

Heart Beat Drumming Classes
held at Roots and Wings

to be offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 starting February

Learn many indigenous chants about Mother Earth!

Authentic Native American drums are provided for each participant.

Recommended for Elementary age, limit of 14 in the class.

Younger children are welcome if accompanied by an adult.

Taught by Sonia Brooks, local singer/songwriter, creator of Tap-n-Shake

Sonia has been providing this drum program for local libraries for the past 5 years.

To register, include name and age of child, and make payment of
$10. per participant

Child’s Name
Child’s age

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Tap-n-Shake Products

Tap-n-Shake Products

Click Image for Products.

Tap-n-Shake Activities

3. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
4. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
5. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
6. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
7. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
9. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
12. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
14. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
15. Tap-n-Shake in the Classroom
17. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
18. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
19. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
20. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
21. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
25. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
26. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
24. Tap-n-Shake-in-the-Classroom
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